What type of conditions can acupuncture and naturopathy help?
Pain and Injuries
back pain, sciatica, stiff neck, frozen shoulder, headaches, migraines, tendonitis, sprains, bursitis, arthritis
colitis, diarrhoea, constipation, IBS, vomiting, indigestion, haemorrhoids
Women's Health and Fertility
PCOS, painful menstruation and pre-menstrual syndrome, irregular menstruation, endometriosis, infertility, IVF support, pelvic inflammatory disease, pre-menopause symptoms
nausea and vomiting, breach position, birth induction, recurring miscarriage
eczema, acne, herpes, psoriasis
colds, flu, bronchitis, cough, asthma, sinusitis
Neurological Conditions
neuralgia, Bell’s palsy, stroke, carpal tunnel syndrome
What is cupping and what is it good for?
Cupping as a self-standing procedure is fantastic for treatment of coughs and chest infections as well as all sorts of muscle and joint pain and stiffness. Cups can be applied for several minutes or can be quickly placed and then removed (it’s called flash cupping) or can be used as a massage with a massage oil.
The procedure itself is safe but can leave bruises which will heal after several days.
After the treatment it is advised that the treated area is protected from cold, wind or draught.