Hello and welcome! My name is Barbara and I’m a Traditional Chinese Medicine acupuncture practitioner. Qi Acupuncture is a private practice, where you can seek to reduce pain, restore health or bring back emotional balance. I would be very happy to help you, just contact me!
Acupuncture treatment involves a thorough consultation to establish a pattern of disharmony according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is then followed by insertion of very fine sterile needles into specific acu-points located on meridians, which run through the whole body. Apart from acupuncture itself other modalities can be used as and when necessary: electroacupuncture, moxibustion, cupping or gua-sha.
Cupping is a procedure where glass or plastic cups are placed on the skin. The negative pressure in the cup pulls the skin and muscles underneath. The pulling of the skin promotes movement of stagnation which results in reduction of pain and inflammation. Cupping massage is excellent for muscle pain and joint stiffness. To find out more about cupping please go to Conditions Treated.
Naturopathy is a system of health care which promotes the body’s own self-healing mechanisms. In my clinic, in addition to acupuncture treatment, I employ various naturopathic therapies. In particular Nutrition, Bach Flower Remedies and Tissue Salts.